

1- Describe your prom dress
Long peach gown with silver sparkles and thin straps. I loveeedd my dress and was so happy to be pampered and dress up on that day.

2- Most memorable moment from prom, and a moment you regret
The whole night was so memorable, from seeing everyone arriving dressed to impress, to the posed pictures we took by the limo and at the venue, to the actual party and driving Downtown in our limo… my prom was one of my best nights-ever!

I don’t have any regrets from my prom but a bittersweet moment was realizing that this was the end of high school and since everyone was going to different colleges, peers that I knew for 5+ years (some even more since I had friends from elementary school) I would not see them everyday anymore :(. But, on the upside, I was starting a new, exciting and independent chapter in my life which would yield the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends.

​3- One thing you can’t live without
To the people that know me…Med Ex Blistex or Burts Bees Vanilla chaptsick lol. I can’t stand dry/chapped lips.

4- Most awkward moment in High School
My mom still dressing me up until Grade 9 -__- I literally had bell bottom pants that were too short and tops that fit but just didn’t look right (the joys of being tall and awkward during puberty lol).

​5- One thing you hope the winners will walk away with
Ambition [noun. strong desire for success], you are the best of the best and you are capable of doing ANYTHING that you put your mind to. Stay focused and enjoy the journey!