

1- Describe your prom dress
I actually didn’t wear a dress to my prom. I went through a phase where girly dresses just weren’t cutting it for me. Instead, I wore a black one piece jumpsuit with a halter neck line, with sheer material lapping over the front that kind of gave the illusion that it was a dress. I still have it.

I wonder if it fits …

2- Most memorable moment from prom, and moment you regret
I don’t have any regrets but I remember really not liking the food and calling my mother and complaining (Très princess). The most memorable moment was the father/ daughter dance.

My dad made me practice for weeks in advance (he’s very much into ballroom dancing and taught me a few steps) so when it came time to dance, he was so proud and all smiles.

We had it in the bag??

3- One thing you can’t live without
One thing I absolutely can not live without is Brooklyn 2.0. My car, literally my road dog. My car is my way out. Being in my car and just driving allows me to be alone with my thoughts and clear my head. It’s where I can laugh at myself, party like no one is watching and shed a tear. Brooky holds all my secrets lol.

4- Most awkward moment in High School
Oh boy! Me, the picnic table and the floor. That is all. Next question please!

5- One thing you hope the winners will walk away with
The one thing I hope our prom winners walk away with is reassurance. Knowing there is someone who looks like them, that wants them to win. Win in confidence, win in loving and being who they are, win in academics and win in life. Knowing you have that kind of support system can go a long way. And I want to see you be the best that you can be. I want YOU to walk away knowing that I got you. We got you.